Securus Medica is unique and therefore we can provide unique solutions to every healthcare environment

Interoperability is not just a buzzword for Securus Medica
Our systems have very sophisticated input tools that are matched by customizable output formats
We understand the importance of communication between providers, facilities and systems- and ensure cross platform capabilities and solutions
Crystal Ball® was designed with interoperability in mind

The clinical and programming teams are available to provide all manners of consulting regarding clinical care, operations, and health information technology

Project-based Services
If one-time or periodic analytical solutions are needed-we can rapidly deploy, design and deliver a targeted solution

Reporting in healthcare is a fundamental need for you in order to understand your data
However, good reporting systems are plaguing healthcare systems and in many cases have become the bane of their operations

Hospital-based position management
Our clinical team can replace a single hospital-based position. If you have a hospital position that requires broad-based clinical and technology skills, our teams provide a superior solution
Although not specifically on-site, the nature of technology in healthcare makes this a viable and attractive option.
Our clinical team will provide regular and as needed on-site activities as well